Pft! I can...
Interested Eccentric Kitty: Can you tell me what the largest Hovercraft was in 1968
Miss Green: What kind of disaster happened at Chernoby in 1986
A nuclear meltdown
Kagura: What is the closest species the mountain goat is related to?
Orange haired slut: Tell me the name of the island that Osaka is on
House, Koboshi-chan: What Franklin Stove was famous for
American Author
Annoyed Wet Chick: How many carbon atoms does caprylic acid have??
School, Topless Teacher: What do you say?
Fine by me!
Abandoned, Garbage Bag Waring Weirdo: What country is the Goliath Birdeater native to?
South America
Sleepy Sexy Drugo: What “Zydeco” is?
Pop music from the 20th century
Do not enter airport prematurely
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